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2003-06-04 with a disdain for Dickens and a love of nicotine
2003-06-03 a little less conversation, a little more prevarication please
2003-05-26 A > B
2003-05-25 a bit out of it
2003-05-22 ass rock; the elusive interest factor
2003-05-21 well, since you asked...
2003-05-19 fizzy sweets and other underserved treats
2003-05-15 a mystery bush
2003-05-14 the slow passage of matt
2003-05-11 it's my birthday and i'll make absurd generalisations if i want to
2003-05-09 coming soon (another Blockbuster entry)
2003-05-07 like a key locked in its own box
2003-05-06 'oh, i just don't think you're butch enough to be his type'
2003-05-02 where has all the fun gone?
2003-05-01 that which happened after
2003-04-18 give them drugs and give them candy
2003-04-18 april
2003-04-16 i need another t-shirt like i need a hole in the head
2003-04-10 how everthing turns away
2003-04-08 hooray for basic html!
2003-04-06 cheers, Mr.Kundera
2003-04-02 no exception
2003-03-29 healing apparently
2003-03-27 nothing weighed in gold
2003-03-26 today i was called 'calm and dependable'
2003-03-22 babbling in the sunshine
2003-03-22 from Baghdad to Brockley
2003-03-20 life seen by match-light
2003-03-19 the ayes have it
2003-03-18 the longness of weekends
2003-03-15 the White (and multi-coloured) stripes
2003-03-11 rant and poetry
2003-03-10 Devil's haircut
2003-03-04 come and be my lover/we can do it to each other
2003-03-03 bring me a log
2003-02-28 junk mail. junk writing.
2003-02-25 Tuesday follows Monday. get used to it
2003-02-25 look pretty tall but my heels are high
2003-02-20 these foolish things
2003-02-19 matt becomes domesticated
2003-02-17 that way parched lawns lie
2003-02-16 a brief visit to the bleak places (five twelve in the evening)
2003-02-16 of love and war
2003-02-14 words words wrods
2003-02-13 that ebbing feeling
2003-02-11 slight alteration
2003-02-09 sorry seems to be the hardest word?
2003-02-06 beside my bed; a list
2003-02-02 on 'true faith'
2003-01-27 'when i say something i mean it'
2003-01-27 matt's cathartic binge


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